Recruitment audit
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Recruitment Audit

We provide organisations with the enhanced clarity, insight and data they need to optimise their talent strategy.

Why Recruitment Audit?

Organisations with expansive teams spread across multiple locations can often struggle to maintain oversight of every single worker on their books. Typically, information regarding contingent labour isn’t captured within organisational charts or on central HR streams, with this lack of strategy often meaning not all recruitment processes are followed compliantly.

For those who liaise with multiple agencies to manage their labour, this process becomes even more overwhelming and noisy. Not only does it present risk, both financially and legislatively, but it can impact candidate experiences which, if poor, can damage your brand’s reputation, visibility, approach to ED&I and commercial benefits.

Our finance and contractor audits highlight areas of risk and non-compliance, provide visibility of the entire supply chain and give insight into potential savings.

We deliver insight that empowers you to transform your processes.

Our auditing service focuses on improving the hiring process to ensure it’s positive for both candidate and client.

We deliver insight that empowers you to transform your processes.

It’s designed to assess recruitment, attitudes, how processes are currently set up, internal and external frustrations and more. We walk ourselves through your candidates’ journeys, using data and qualitative learnings to draw up ways experiences can be improved, and assess how cost savings and time efficiencies can be made.

What we present back is a report of outcomes which, if amended with some small changes, can create a new, tangible roadmap of success.
We always work around you, your technology and systems, and in line with your processes. We anonymise all data to protect individual parties and utilise your branded communications channels to fully embed within your business.

That way, the resulting outcomes benefit you, and only you.

Highlight areas of risk and non-compliance

Provide visibility of the entire supply chain

Mitigate exposure/risk of non-compliance

Deliver full visibility of recruitment spend

Gain insight into potential savings

Image for The decision to outsource can be complex and overwhelming. Our advice? Talk to us.

The decision to outsource can be complex and overwhelming. Our advice? Talk to us.

We’ll listen to your recruitment concerns and ambitions, and create a bespoke solution that’s fitted around the needs of your business. 

If you would like more guidance on MSP or would simply like to chat through your talent challenges get in touch
